Dental and oral health

When you hear about dental and oral health, you might just think of good-looking teeth. But the truth is, your total mouth health can offer clues about your overall health too. Many diseases can cause symptoms in your mouth. That means your dentist can spot certain health conditions before they become serious, like osteoporosis, diabetes, eating disorders and stress. The good news? Most dental plans include coverage for regular preventive dental visits that may help catch these types of issues early. Let’s learn how good oral care can give you more than a sparkling smile.

Why is oral health important?

This may surprise you – but the fact is that everyone’s mouth is full of bacteria. Don’t worry – it’s mostly harmless. A daily routine of brushing and flossing is your best defense against bad bacteria known as plaque. With regular care, you can help keep your oral health in tip top shape and keep bad bacteria at bay. That matters because oral health is key to health and wellness. Oral conditions like cavities, severe gum disease and tooth loss can affect the quality of your health.1  But that’s not all. Bad bacteria can even get into your digestive system and respiratory tracts. That’s why it’s important to make good oral care part of your everyday routine.

What's the difference between dental health and oral health?

You may assume dental health and oral health are the same thing – but their differences are worth noting. Think of dental health (health of your teeth) as just one part of oral health. Oral health is the bigger picture. It’s the health of your teeth, gums and the whole oral-facial system that lets you smile, talk and chew.2

What should I know about oral health and oral health diseases?

Many of us head to our yearly dentist appointment just hoping we’ll get our cavity-free sticker. But cavities are just one part of the story when it comes to oral health. If certain oral conditions go untreated (like a gum infection), you could lose some teeth and even get infections in other parts of your body. Let's look closer at some oral health diseases and warning signs to watch out for. 

Does dental insurance cover preventive care?

You might be wondering if dental plans cover preventive dental care. Common preventive services include regular oral exams (usually every 6 months), teeth cleaning and routine X-rays. Some dental plans cover all preventive care, while others may only cover certain services. Sign in to your member account to learn what may be covered under your plan. Or, if you have dental benefits through work, watch our video to learn more about coverage.

When should I schedule dental visits?

It’s important to see your dentist for regular preventive visits every 6 months or so. Or, if you’re noticing changes in your teeth, gum health, or any other part of your mouth or jaw, make an appointment. Those warning signs we mentioned are also reasons to see your dentist. They’ll let you know if you need to see a specialist, like a periodontist.