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Developmental Disabilities Program Frequently Asked Questions
DDD stands for Division of Developmental Disabilities – a division of the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES). DES works with families, community organizations, advocates and state and federal partners to realize our collective vision that every child, adult, and family in Arizona will be safe and economically secure.
AHCCCS stands for Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System – Arizona's Medicaid agency. AHCCCS offers health care services to persons who have limited income, are pregnant and/or have disabilities.
Notify your DDD Support Coordinator ASAP. Your support coordinator will notify AHCCCS by filling out a member change report which will allow your updated information to be corrected in UnitedHealthcare Community Plan's computer system.
Please call customer service at 1-800-348-4058.
Please call customer service at 1-800-348-4058. Make sure you identify yourself or your family member as a DD recipient. Please also make sure that you verify your address with customer service.
No. You should keep both your primary insurance and Developmental Disabilities coverage.
Please notify your support coordinator ASAP so we can make corrections in the computer system to avoid delays in filling prescriptions and or claims being processed.
You should always show all of your insurance cards, your primary insurance and/or Medicare or UnitedHealthcare Community Plan insurance card when visiting the doctor.
Yes. Always ask your primary care provider (PCP) to call UnitedHealthcare Community Plan at 1-800-348-4058 for prior authorization before any specialist visit, medical procedure, etc.
No. You may see a physician that is contracted with your primary insurance that is not contracted with your UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. However, you may be required to pay your co-pays at the time of the visit and then send into UnitedHealthcare Community Plan for reimbursement. To avoid billing problems or having to pay deductibles or co-pays at the time of service it is better to go to a physician that accepts both of your insurances.
You will need to fill out a reimbursement claim form. There are two separate forms, one for office co-pays and one for prescription drugs. Please save all of your receipts and make a copy before sending in for reimbursement. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan is only able to reimburse for up to a year after the date of service.
You will need to get a prescription from your primary care physician. This prescription is then faxed by your primary care physician into Preferred Home Health Care with medical documentation to support the need for this item. Once Preferred has all the necessary documentation and prescription they will fax it to UnitedHealthcare Community Plan for authorization if one is required.
If you receive a bill from a medical provider please first call the number at the bottom of the page ASAP. Make sure they are aware that you are enrolled in UnitedHealthcare Community Plan's Developmental Disabilities program and they have the correct ID number. If they have all that information and you are still in need of help please call 1-800-348-4058 for assistance.
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Developmental Disabilities Program