Tip of the month

Healthy Habits

  • Brush your teeth with  a soft tooth brush Use a fluoride tooth paste 2 times a day
  • Floss your teeth after you eat
  • Rinse your mouth after brushing  and flossing

Hábitos saludables

  • Cepíllese los dientes con un cepillo suave. Use pasta dental con fluoruro 2 veces al día
  • Use hilo dental después de comer
  • Enjuáguese la boca después de cepillarse y usar hilo dental

Let's make it easier to find what you need

Non-emergency medical transportation broker

Non-emergency medical transportation is a covered benefit in RI Medicaid. The contracted vendor for these services is MTM, Inc. Please contact MTM at 1-855-330-9131 (TTY 711), Monday- Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm to arrange for rides to medical, dental or other health-related appointments. Bus tickets for appointments need to be requested seven (7) business days prior to the appointment. Van or taxi rides to medical appointments may be available for members who qualify. Please allow 48 hours prior to your appointment. For example:

  • Call Monday for a ride on Wednesday
  • Call Tuesday for a ride on Thursday
  • Call Wednesday for a ride on Friday, Saturday or Sunday
  • Call Thursday for a ride on Monday
  • Call for Friday for a ride on Tuesday

Transportation may be available for medical, dental or other health-related appointments. If family, friends or neighbors cannot drive you to appointments, you have several options.

Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA)

RIPTA has fixed-route bus services to most communities in Rhode Island. Routes are available online at www.ripta.com or by calling Customer Support at 401-781-9400. RIPTA also offers flex services and the ADA Disabled Program.

Mileage reimbursement

If you qualify for transportation and you or someone else can drive you, you may get money for gas.

There are several rules and requirements.

Please contact MTM for more information. UHC Dental Member Services can also help with setting up or coordinating transportation if you need it.

Member resources

Learn more about:

  • Member services
  • Plan information
  • Medicaid benefit renewal information 
  • Appeals information

Dental wellness

Learn more about caring for your child’s teeth:

  • How to take care of your baby’s teeth and gums
  • How to keep your child’s teeth healthy
  • Preparing kids for their first dental checkup

Other resources

Learn about resources available to you or your child(ren).

  • Programs and Partnerships
  • State resources
  • Appeal information

Tips to help improve the oral health of newborn babies and families

Consejos para el cuidado dental de los recién nacidos


Contact Member Services:  1-866-375-3257 (TTY 711)
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m EST, Monday - Friday