Helping a young girl with Down syndrome get the support she needs

Helping a Utah girl thrive

Four-year-old Claire, from Utah, is the light of her family’s life. One that has kept her family on their toes since the day she was born — a month early on the day after Christmas.

“Claire, she surprised us… [she] came a month early and rocking an extra chromosome,” her mom Nicole said.

Claire was diagnosed at birth with Trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome. At first, her parents said the diagnosis was overwhelming.

“It was quite a shock and then we had to learn to accept that,” said Brian, Claire’s dad.

Before long, the family learned Down syndrome was only part of Claire’s story and her differences only made her more special.

“Claire, she draws people to her,” Nicole said. “She manages to keep a great attitude. She’s so loving and sweet.”

With the help of therapy, Claire continues to grow and learn. But making sure she gets the assistance she needs comes at a cost. When her parents learned how expensive Claire’s treatments would be, they applied for a UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) grant and were accepted as a grant recipient.

“It’s been a huge blessing for our family,” Nicole said. “The grants from UHCCF, they have helped cover some of her therapies. All three, the speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy.”

Claire continues to make strides every day. Her family credits UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation for relieving some of the financial burden of Claire’s care.  

Since 2007, UHCCF has awarded more than 34,000 grants valued at over $70 million. The funding pays for children’s medical expenses not covered, or not fully covered, by a commercial health insurance plan.

The goal is to support families so they can focus on what’s most important – improving their child’s quality of life. The grants help cover medical services and equipment like various therapies, counseling services, surgeries, prescriptions, wheelchairs and more.

UHCCF child medical grants are available!

Are you eligible?

  • Grant recipients must be 16 years old or younger at the time of application
  • Must meet eligible income requirements
  • Must be children under the care of a licensed medical professional with services rendered within the United States
  • Primary coverage for a child must be by a commercial health plan, either through an employer or individually purchased. Secondary insurance through Medicaid or CHIP is permissible.
  •  Children do not need to be insured by UnitedHealthcare.

Do you know a family who could benefit from a children’s medical grant? Visit for more information on how to apply.

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