Is your Medicare plan the best one for you? This checklist can help you decide

Published by Medicare Made Clear®

Is your Medicare plan the best one for you?

Reviewing your Medicare coverage may not be at the top of your end-of-summer to-do list (it may not even be on it at all) but adding it may be a good idea. Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is just around the corner, running from October 15 through December 7.

And while you could wait until then to start thinking about your health care coverage, doing so now can make shopping simpler come October 15.

This checklist helps you evaluate Medicare plans

Shopping for Medicare coverage can be overwhelming. So before you do, an easy first step is to figure out if you even should. And what if there was a simple tool that could help you decide whether you may want to look for a different plan? The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period checklist helps you judge how well your current plan meets your needs.

It can help you assess your Medicare plan for:

  • Benefits and coverage 
  • Costs and financial protection
  • Convenience and ease of use
  • Overall satisfaction

You may find that your current plan works well for you. That’s great! Then you can let the Annual Enrollment Period go by without taking any action. Your plan will automatically renew for the following year so long as you pay your premiums and provider still offers it.

But if your assessment reveals that your current Medicare plan is lacking, then you may want to explore other choices. If you do, then you can use what you learned from the assessment to focus your search on Medicare plans that are better suited to meet your health and lifestyle needs.

Get the Medicare Annual Enrollment checklist

Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period gives you a chance to make sure you have the best Medicare plan for you every year, even if you think it provides everything you need. If it truly does, then completing the Medicare Plan Review Worksheet can serve to reassure your choice. If you find that it doesn’t, then the worksheet can help you get some clarity on what you do need so you can do something about it.

About Medicare Made Clear

Medicare Made Clear brought to you by UnitedHealthcare provides Medicare education so you can make informed decisions about your health and Medicare coverage.

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