Advertising opportunities

UnitedHealthcare offers advertising opportunities on its website.  These opportunities are customized to meet a particular corporation's or product's branding strategy and budget.

Advertising revenue is used to continue to promote and develop UnitedHealthcare’s digital properties.

For inquiries about advertising opportunities, contact:

Advertising Requirements

(These requirements are subject to change without notice)

UnitedHealthcare, at its sole discretion, will determine whether the product or service being advertised meets our criteria for placement on the website.

Advertising formats that are prohibited on the service include:

  • Pop-ups, un-skippable auto-play video, auto-play video, display ads blocking site content.
  • Ads that have forms within them to collect personally identifiable information or protected health information while a visitor is on or any other UnitedHealthcare digital properties.

Advertising is subject to the following requirements:

  • Advertisement must not make a health claim for its product that is not clearly substantiated. Advertisers may be required to submit supporting documentation to substantiate claims.
  • No implication of endorsement by UnitedHealthcare of product or advertiser may be made.
  • UnitedHealthcare retains final approval of all advertising and product messages, banners and advertising copy that are directly linked or adjacent to the content. This includes verification of advertisement content and placement before it is produced on the site.
  • The advertisement, advertising icons and company logos must be displayed in such a way that they clearly are not part of the UnitedHealthcare site content.
  • UnitedHealthcare reserves the right to reject, cancel or remove at any time any advertisement from UnitedHealthcare digital properties for any reason. In such a case, UnitedHealthcare will provide prompt notice to the advertiser, together with an explanation. UnitedHealthcare also reserves the right to determine the appropriate placement of the advertisement on the website.
  • Advertisers and agencies cannot collect any personally identifiable information from UnitedHealthcare visitors or place any pixels, tags, cookies, applets or other such technologies on UnitedHealthcare websites, applications or the devices of UnitedHealthcare website visitors.
  • UnitedHealthcare maintains total editorial independence from advertisers. Advertisers have no influence over or input in our digital property content or development.
  • UnitedHealthcare does not endorse any of the products and services advertised.

These requirements are not inclusive or exhaustive and are subject to change at the discretion of UnitedHealthcare at any time.