EI232301050.1_Level-Funded_23-2740752_Video_1920_1080 Descriptive Accessibility Script
Instrumental music plays throughout. Three white lines curl across a blue background. Blue text centers a white screen. A female announcer speaks.
Group health plans
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Level-funded health plans have grown in popularity among small businesses nationwide.
Blue text fades out and a map of the US appears with orange and white dots popping up to represent locations on the map. Blue text appears underneath the map. The map cuts to a montage of people in different scenes, working, socializing, and exercising. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Kaiser Family Foundation Employer Health Benefits Surveys, 2019 and 2023. For the purposes of the surveys, a "small business" was defined as groups with 3-199 employees.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: So, how is a level-funded plan different from a fully insured plan? And why might it be a better fit for your business?
The montage wipes to blue text over a white background. Dark and light blue puzzle pieces appear with text over the pieces. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Fixed monthly rate
ONSCREEN TEXT: Plan administration
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: With a fixed monthly rate covering claims and plan administration, level-funded plans act a lot like fully insured plans.
A third puzzle appears with blue text. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Stop loss insurance
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: The difference with level-funded is that part of your fixed rate also goes towards stop-loss insurance, which pays covered medical and pharmacy claims costs that are higher than expected.
The puzzle pieces exit the screen and two blue circles appear. On has an icon of a stethoscope, the other has an icon of an RX pill bottle. The circles wipe up out of screen to reveal blue text over a white background. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Higher than expected
White screen dissolves into a blue screen with white text. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: 2 kinds of stop loss insurance
White text slides out of screen to the right. White text wipes in from bottom of screen. The female announcer continues.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: There are two kinds of stop-loss insurance built into a level-funded plan, individual and aggregate. Individual stop-loss protects your plan if claims costs are higher than expected for a particular plan participant. Aggregate stop-loss protects your plan if claims costs are higher than expected across your entire group.
Text dissolves and a light blue circle with a white border appears on the screen with white text below. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Claims costs
And if your medical and pharmacy claims costs are lower than expected at the end of your plan year, the savings don't stay with the insurance company like they do with a fully insured plan.
The blue circle shifts to left of screen and a white circle appears to the right of it with white text below. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Surplus refund
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Instead, your level-funded plan earns a surplus refund that you can apply to the following year's plan.
The blue circle disappears and the white circle moves to the center of the screen and dissolve to a gold coin-like circle with three white stripes above it. Small white text appears at the bottom of the screen. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Please consult a tax and/or legal advisor to determine if, by receiving this refund, there are any restrictions or obligations. Surplus refund available only where allowed by law.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Other advantages include exemption from many Affordable Care Act regulations, including adjusted community rating, lower state premium taxes, potential savings compared to fully insured plans, and more flexibility…
The gold coin-like circle dissolves into a white screen with blue text appearing. Each line of text has an orange checkmark before it. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Exemption from many
Affordable Care Act regulations
ONSCREEN TEXT: Lower state premium taxes
ONSCREEN TEXT: Potential savings
ONSCREEN TEXT: More flexibility
Blue text dissolves to a light blue screen with a dark blue folder in the center of the screen. Then a yellow, orange, and white folder fan out slightly from the dark blue folder. The female announcer continues.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: …with a wide choice of plan designs, provider networks, and built-in wellness programs too.
The folders dissolve to a white screen with blue text. The female announcer continues.
ONSCREEN TEXT: It’s easy to see why
ONSCREEN TEXT: more and more businesses
ONSCREEN TEXT: the switch
ONSCREEN TEXT: Talk to your broker or
UnitedHealthcare representative
to learn more
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: It's easy to see why more and more businesses have made the switch. See if UnitedHealthcare Level-Funded is a better fit for your business too.
Three blue lines circle in forming a U over a white background. Blue text appears in the center of the screen. The music fades out.
There for what mattersTM
Small grey text appearing on the bottom of the screen.
ONSCREEN TEXT: Administrative services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates, and UnitedHealthcare Service LLC in NY. Stop-loss insurance is underwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or their affiliates, including UnitedHealthcare Life Insurance Company in NJ, and UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of New York in NY.
ONSCREEN TEXT: © 2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 23-2740752
ONSCREEN TEXT: B2B EI232301050.1 1/24